
Chapter III: Physical Layer | Computer Network | Electronics and Comm. Eng

Chapter III of Computer Network will teach you about Physical Layer  and it is of  4 teaching hrs. This chapter will provide you

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Chapter II: Reference Model | Electronics and Comm. Eng | Computer Network

This is 4 hour chapter. This chapter will teach you network protocols and standards, interface and service, 7 layer of OSI model and its importance.

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Chapter I: Introduction to Computer Network | Electronics and Comm. Eng.

Introduction to Computer Network which is of  3 teaching hours. Will teach you about following topics 1.1. Definition, merits, Demerits of

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Computer Networking

Network Protocol: TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)

TCP also known as (Transmission Control Protocol ) is a layer 4 protocol (Transport Layer) of an OSI Model. TCP is a connection-oriented transport

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Phases of Hacking: Reconnaissance | Cyber Security

Reconnaissance is the first phase of an attack. In this phase attacker tries to gather information about the target person or organization before

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